Hot Spring HotelsT or C Hot Springs
Lodging & Vacation Rentals
$ = 60-109 per night | $$ = 110-174 per night | $$$ = 175 and up
Hotel Search
More info on hot springs, including those that don't offer lodging, is on our hot springs page.
Price Range
Lodging Type
Hoosier Hot Springs & Inn
$$$An architectural icon offering lodging and soaks in an adults-only setting.
La Paloma Hot Springs
$$-$$$Natural free flowing bathhouses for lodgers; comfy rooms in a quiet and peaceful space
Riverbend Hot Springs
$$-$$$A popular spot with numerous private and public soaking option, lodging, and RV spaces
Sierra Grande
$$$Hotel with hot springs & full spa, offering tours to Ted Turner’s Ladder & Armendaris ranches
Hotel Search
More info on hot springs, including those that don't offer lodging, is on our hot springs page.