Rio Grande River Trips

board the bus at Rotary Park
9am-3pm Thurs-Fri-Sat-Sun (in season - usually June-July)
watercraft rentals
floating the rio grande in truth or consequences
watercraft rentals

Formerly White Water Weekends!

Rio Grande River Trips offer tube and raft rentals to float the rio when the water is flowing out of Elephant Butte Dam above 1500 cubic feet per second.

Hop on the River Rat Express and take a float down the Rio Grande — Rio Grande River Trips is a full-service river-floating operation, providing everything you need for a trip down the river: transportation, personal flotation devices, and your choice of tube or raft for $20 per person.

Reservations are the best way to go. Walk-ups may be accommodated if the bus is not full however if no trips are scheduled, the bus won’t be at the park. So call and reserve! The float from drop-off to pick-up takes about 1.5 hours. Plan for 2 hours total to include transport up-river and drop off. Park and board at Rotary Park; your keys will be kept safe by Rio Grande River Trips staff.